10th April, 2022
Dakhal Do.

Dakhal Do is a campaign organised by breakthrough India, talking about bystander intervention. The purpose of the campaign is the focus on how people, despite either witnessing or acknowledging the presence of violence against women, walk away or choose to ignore the problem arguing that it “isn’t their problem.” 

Violence against women is an everyday issue, one which we all see and walk away from. But what if we didn’t? What if instead of saying violence against women is “not our business”, we choose to intervene instead? With ‘DakhalDo’, Breakthrough asks people to break out of this mindset and acknowledge that violence against women is everyone’s problem. If we chose to intervene when we see it in any space, we are not only ensuring that the survivor feels safer, we are also ensuring that violence against women becomes seen as unacceptable. 

That’s what Dakhal Do is. Where, instead of walking away, we intervene.
We speak up. We make violence against women unacceptable.

Dakhal Do is building a movement of active bystanders today. Will you be one?

Get Involved.

Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence free.