Breakthrough has been working for over 20 years to make violence and discrimination against women unacceptable. We do this by working to change cultural traditions and norms that perpetuate discrimination.

We use mass media to change mindsets on a large scale – the government’s Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign which uses our communication material, is one such example of changing cultural norms and mindsets. Our Bell Bajao campaign reached over 150 million people and brought the issue of domestic violence to the fore for the first time.

Breakthrough’s in-depth trainings of girls, boys, families and community members aim to catalyse leadership within the community so as to change individual behavior and to create an enabling environment where women and girls can reach their full potential. On ground efforts across 17 districts and 4000 villages enable us to bring grassroots level change in some of the most deeply affected areas of the country.

Your contribution will help us run programs and campaigns for preventing violence against women and girls across 17 districts and 4000 villages of India. We are a not-for-profit organization dependent on your invaluable donations to make all our work possible.

To understand our work in more detail, you can download our annual report, or look at the ‘our work’ page on the website.

Being a non-profit organization, Breakthrough is legally bound to audit all its accounts by both internal as well as external auditors. Our annual audited reports are available on our website for you to go through.
About 85% of the funds we raise go directly to our programmes, 12% supports administrative expenses and the rest (3%), is the cost of fundraising. It is our ongoing endeavour to ensure that the maximum possible proportion goes towards programmes. The administrative cost proportion is well below the sector average in India.
All donors to Breakthrough receive 50 % tax exemption under section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act. Tax certificates are sent to all donors within 3 weeks of making the donation.
We are constantly working on getting funds from different sources. As of now, over and above donations from Indian individuals and companies, we receive funds from globally respected foundations like the Human Dignity Foundation, The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, The Oak foundation etc, .
Breakthrough listens to the needs of the community, does exploratory research to identify exact problems and need gaps and then designs its program intervention to suit the particular geographic issue.
Majority of Breakthrough’s donations are raised from concerned individuals who believe they can make a difference to the society.Breakthrough raises resources from individuals directly as well as with the support of Channel Partners who help us to increase our reach. All our channel partners are authorized to raise funds for Breakthrough and carry Identification cards and Breakthrough authorized donation forms and literature.
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Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence-free.
© 2024 Breakthrough Trust. All rights reserved.
Tax exemption unique registration number AAATB2957MF20214