Media Kits.

For decades, our perception of Gender Based Violence has been moulded by popular representation of it. Survivors have been portrayed as powerless objects, whose identities are shaped by the tragedy that befell them, who are worthy only of our pity, capable only of silent mourning.  A simple online search will throw us illustrations like this which are primarily used by media houses to depict rape and gender based violence.

The purpose of these images is to recreate and reimagine popular representations of gender-based-violence (GBV), with an aim of making them more feminist, and eventually creating a repository of images, photographs, vectors and artwork that can be used by media organizations, and journals to represent GBV.

Media Kits.
Media kits for gender-sensitive reporting on the issues of VAWG.
Breakthrough Bihar Infographics.
A kit which shows the statistics of early marriage in Bihar.
Breakthrough Jharkhand Infographics.
A kit which tell the statistics of early marriage in Jharkhand.
De Taali Brochure.
Emphasize on education rather on early marriage.
Gender Sensitive Communication on Media Platforms Toolkit - English.
This toolkit is needed to communicate in a gender sensitive way on Media platforms and it has been developed for those who are reporting journalists, editors, editors-in-chief, photographers, because understanding of Gender is important at each level.
Gender Sensitive Communication on Media Platforms Toolkit - Hindi.
This toolkit is needed to communicate in a gender sensitive way on Media platforms and it has been developed for those who are reporting journalists, editors, editors-in-chief, photographers, because understanding of Gender is important at each level. This tool kit is in Hindi
Gender Sensitive Reporting - English.
The guidelines for gender sensitive media reporting have been adopted from the document titled "Guidelines for Gender Sensitive Reporting" authored by Anita Ramsak, Ph.D scholar in order to support journalists and other media professionals in their efforts to depict the world in a more gender sensitive and gender responsive manner, thus contributing to more inclusive and equal societies.
Gender Sensitive Reporting - Hindi.
अपनी खबरों को लिखने,पढ़ने, बोलने और दिखाने में हम किस तरह से जेंडर सेंसटिव यानी संवेदनशील लैंगिक रिपोर्टिंग करें इसके लिए बनाए गए यह दिशा-निर्देश पीएचडी शोध छात्रा अनीता रामसक के संवेदनशील लैंगिक रिपोर्टिंग के लिए दिशा-निर्देश” शीर्षक से बनाए गए शोध पत्र से लिए गए हैं। इस दस्तावेज़ का मूल उद्देश्य मीडिया को एक जिम्मेदार नजरिये से देखना है जिसमें मीडिया अपनी खबरों में जेंडर सेंसटिवी का ध्यान रखते हुए समता मूलक समाज के विकास में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे सके।
Haryana Infographic.
Haryana has the lowest child sex ratio in the country. A toolkit on what can we do.
JPAL Infographic.
A JPAL report infographic showing adverse gender indicators and a highly skewed sex ratio.
Mission Hazaar Infographic.
Haryana has the lowest child sex ratio in the country. A toolkit on what can we do. Mission Hazaar, a program by Breakthrough India
Sexual Harassment Infographics.
Sexual harassment (SH) is when somebody’s gaze or sexual behaviour makes you uncomfortable. It includes comments and songs, leering and whistling, kissing noises, vulgar gestures, unwanted touching, someone following you, flashing private parts, demanding sexual  favours, and showing pornography against one’s will.

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