Tool Kits.

Breakthrough’s Training Tools to build capacity required for addressing and preventing gender based discrimination and violence against women and girls.

Tola sevaks_Toolkit_21-10-2017_HR.
Tola Sevak_SOP_21-10-2017_HR.
Social welfare department_Toolkit_21-10-2017_HR.
Social welfare department_SOP_23-10-2017_HR.
PRI members_Toolkit_21-10-2017_HR.
PRI members_SOP_23-10-2017_HR.
Handbook -Laws and Policies_21-10-2017_HR.
Frontline workers_Toolkit_21-10-2017_HR.
Frontline workers_SOP_21-10-2017_HR.
Flipbook - Child Marriage_23-10-2017.
CM Dowry A4 Handbook.
Report EM Jharkhand.
Report EM Bihar Additional pages.
DV FAQs Booklet - English.
What Kind of Man are You & Is This Justice case study.
Strength In Action.
Rights and Desire.
GBSS Toolkit.
Dowry Handbook.
Addressing Gender-Biased Sex Selection - Training Toolkit.
Bell Bajao - Advocacy Kit Against Domestic Violence.
Bell Bajao - Case Study.
Early Marriage - FAQs.
Elimination of Early Marriage - Toolkit for Teachers and NGOs.
Gender and Rights - Training Toolkit.
HIV and AIDS Awareness Toolkit.
Immersive Pedagogy - Preventing and Addressing Violence and Discrimination Against Women and Girls.
Mann Ke Manjeere - Case Study.
Chanda Pukare - Natak.
HUMAN RIGHTS Booklet English.
Campaigning For Change - Curriculum Toolkit.
Instructional Design Toolkit.
Multimedia Campaigns - Training Toolkit.
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit.
Theatre of the Oppressed - Process Document.
TKT sessions Haryana - Classes 10, June, 2017 - Hindi.
Taaron ki Toli toolkit - Hindi.
unicef - Module 14 Resource book for leading parents meetings - Hindi.
unicef - Module 13 Risk mitigation strategies,talking point for stakeholder to CM and violence - Hindi.
unicef - Module 12 Law and policy support for adolescent empowerment and addressing GBV - Hindi.
unicef - Module 11 Capacity building module for FLW - Hindi.
unicef - Module 10 Capacity building module for adolescent girls and boys - Hindi.
unicef - Module 9 Capacity building module for adolescent girls - Hindi.
unicef - Module 8 Capacity building module for adolescent boys - Hindi.
unicef - module 7 TOC - Hindi.
unicef - Module 7 Child marriage what why and how - Hindi.
unicef - Module 6 GBV why does it matter to adolescent - Hindi.
unicef - Module 5 Life skill curriculum for adolescent boys and girls - Hindi.
unicef - Module 4 Community mobilization tool in addressing CM and violence - Hindi.
unicef - Module 3 Resource book for civil society - Hindi.
unicef - Module 2 Adolescent Empowerment theory of change - Hindi.
unicef - Module 1 Introduction to adolescent empowerment toolkit - Hindi.
unicef - Module 14 Resource book for leading parents meetings.
unicef - Module 13 Risk mitigation strategies,talking point for stakeholder to CM and violence.
unicef - Module 12 Law and policy support for adolescent empowerment and addressing GBV (2).
unicef - Module 11 Capacity building module for FLW.
unicef - Module 10 Capacity building module for adolescent girls and boys.
unicef - Module 9 Capacity building module for adolescent girls.
unicef - Module 8 Capacity building module for adolescent boys.
unicef - Module 7-TOC.
unicef - Module 7 Child marriage what why and how.
unicef - Module 6 GBV why does it matter to adolescent.
unicef - Module 5 Life skill curriculum for adolescent boys and girls.
unicef - Module 4 Community mobilization tool in addressing CM and violence.
unicef - Module 3 Resource book for civil society.
unicef - Module 2 Adolescent Empowerment theory of change.
Unicef - Module 1 Introduction to adolescent empowerment toolkit - English.
Taaron Ki Toli Toolkit – Hindi, for 11-12 years old.
Taaron Ki Toli Toolkit – Hindi, for 14-15 years old.
Taaron ki Toli toolkit - Hindi.
Roshan Tara Toolkit – Hindi, School Enrollment.
Introduction to adolescent empowerment toolkit - Hindi.
Adolescent Empowerment theory of change - Hindi.
Resource book for civil society - Hindi.
Community mobilization tool in addressing CM and violence - Hindi.
Life skill curriculum for adolescent boys and girls - Hindi.
GBV why does it matter to adolescent - Hindi.
Child marriage what why and how - Hindi.
Theory Of Change - Hindi.
Capacity building module for adolescent boys - Hindi.
Capacity building module for adolescent girls - Hindi.
Capacity building module for adolescent girls and boys - Hindi.
Capacity building module for FrontLine Workers - Hindi.
Law and policy support for adolescent empowerment and addressing GBV - Hindi.
Risk mitigation strategies,talking point for stakeholder to CM and violence - Hindi.
Resource book for leading parents meetings - Hindi.
Adolescent Empowerment theory of change.
Resource book for civil society.
Community mobilization tool in addressing CM and violence.
Life skill curriculum for adolescent boys and girls.
Gender Based Violence - why does it matter to adolescent.
Child marriage what why and how.
Theory Of Change.
Capacity building module for adolescent boys.
Capacity building module for adolescent girls.
Capacity building module for adolescent girls and boys.
Capacity building module for FrontLine Workers.
Law and policy support for adolescent empowerment and addressing Gender Based Violence.
Risk mitigation strategies,talking point for stakeholder to CM and violence.
Resource book for leading parents meetings.
Introduction to adolescent empowerment toolkit.
Prevention and Awareness of Sexual Harassment.
Recognize Sexual Harassment.
Workbook for Young Men on Violence and Masculinities.

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Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence free.
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