Every 5 minutes one Indian woman
experiences domestic violence
Source: Crime in India Report, 2018
The pandemic has made a difficult situation
a lot more difficult for some women.
You don’t have to be a passive bystander.
You can help us respond to crises faster.
Help us reduce domestic violence in rural India.
Your support will enable us to work at grassroots level to end domestic violence.

1 in 3 women in India suffer sexual and physical violence at home.
Source: National Family Health Survey, India
We have worked to fight the spike in domestic violence
during the pandemic by working towards:
- Creating responsible citizens who can take action against domestic violence around them.
- Strengthening the government’s response to domestic violence.
- Training our frontline workers to respond faster and better to crisis situations.
- Sharing helpline numbers with women experiencing domestic violence.
- Building awareness on digital and other media platforms.
What to expect with a long-term
commitment to Breakthrough?
By supporting Breakthrough, you are supporting the training of frontline workers to respond better to a crisis. We are working on building awareness amongst the general population to be responsible bystanders. As responsible bystanders, we take action against domestic violence in a pandemic. You are helping us fight another silent pandemic.
Breakthrough Impact

Working with communities across
5 states, 13 districts

535,000 adolescents

Gender sensitization curriculum
Running in 773 schools

Shift in gender attitudes
Transformed 15.5% of gender-regressive views of adolescents in Haryana.
(source: JPal)

Likelihood of girls being enrolled in school
Increase by 89% in areas in Bihar where Breakthrough worked.

Reduced in the incidence of early marriage
By 28% in areas in Bihar where breakthrough intervened.
(*As opposed to 22% where Breakthrough didn’t intervene.)
Help young girls continue their education during the pandemic
Your support will enable us to work at a grassroots level to reduce early marriages.
What can you do to support the fight against
domestic violence?
Watch the video to find out.
How do we use your valuable funds?
We at Breakthrough are extremely focused on ensuring that your contribution brings high impact and that the bulk of it is spent on funding programs. Our administrative costs at 12% are well below the Indian non-profit sector average, as we are extremely conscious of spending your money as effectively as possible.
Every donation received is an affirmation of your faith in us, and we are committed to maintaining the highest levels of accountability and transparency always.