Team Change Leader.

We are working to build a brighter, braver and more equitable tomorrow. But how can we hope to affect this change, if we don’t bring the architects of tomorrow with us? 

Youth is an integral part of the work we do and the impact we hope to achieve. Through interactions, conversations, innovative media trainings are skill development sessions – we are engaging the youth to become our partners in this journey to a tomorrow that is free of gender-based violence and discrimination. 

We find our biggest champions and most robust supporters in our Social Change Actors. They are an integral part of our strategy here at Breakthrough, as we believe that they are the key to transforming culture and at the core of our theory of change.


Our work on the ground.

Social Change Actors are individuals, government bodies, Corporations, community-based institutions and even religious bodies that publicly participate, advocate, inspire and help impact actions that help make violence against women unacceptable, and contribute to advancing human rights. 

Together, they act for change from within and beyond their own spheres of influence to help create a more gender-equitable society. We call them TEAM CHANGE!

Our youth programme has 4 aspects of engagement: 

  • Online/Digital Engagement

Helping us take our messages to the social space, our Social Change Actors create Facebook pages and groups, and kickstart meaningful campaigns to engage and involve the community, and often help with the crowdfunding efforts, too.

No matter their age – they may be idealistic young members of the society or belong to parental groups – our SCAs dedicate precious hours and energy into driving online activities like blogs, tweetathons, meetups etc. Their sustained content creation support is invaluable to the work we do. We endeavour to keep the morale high with non-monetary incentives, by hosting frequent content creation workshops and competitions and are also in the process of initiating incubation activities by providing fellowships to SCAs working individually and in groups. 

  • Month-long Internship/Training at Breakthrough

The young and the restless, the brave and the idealistic – we are incubating a generation of Social Change Actors and Catalysts. 

As a part of our #KeepItEqual summer internship programme, we work with youth in campuses and communities to start a dialogue about the need for transformative change in their environment. Through knowledge and skill development, we empower them to raise a voice against gender-based discrimination and violence in schools, colleges, workplaces, homes and communities.  

These internships foster bright driven change-makers and equip them with the necessary networking and leadership skills, comprehensive understanding of the issues and public engagement and digital outreach skills. These young champions against gender-based discrimination and violence become the source of inspiration for their peers.

  • Community Youth Programme

When youth is empowered with the knowledge and tools to create tangible lasting impact, that is when we can be assured that change is on the way. We turn the youth into our most enthusiastic advocates and champions of change, to help impact attitudinal and behavioural shifts amongst them. 

Our campaigns with the youth in the community help promote equal access to mobility, wages, work opportunities, education and property to both boys and girls. Enabling them to identify, analyse, critically question and dismantle gender stereotypes, and raise a voice against discrimination and violence. Together we look for solutions and ideas to make the city safer for girls and women, opening up the public domain for equal participation.  

  • College Youth Engagement

Colleges and universities propel idealistic young people into the real world. It is imperative for this space be one that is safe and secure, and one that prepares them for the challenges that lie beyond the boundaries of the campus. 

As a part of our College Youth Engagement, we drive gender sensitization campaigns, led by students to help start and sustain conversations about safe spaces, free of sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination and violence. We aim to bring together various college groups to strengthen their outreach initiatives and boost their capacity as agents of change. As we help young students identify local issues, we help them derive alternate feminist narratives from the overwhelming noise around them.

Get Involved.

Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence free.
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