Fundraising Volunteer.
Reasons Why You Should Volunteer At Breakthrough.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
  • You get to create action in your community. Here is the story from one such individual who has sought change in their community.
  • You get to work towards issues of gender. It can be exhausting to be a mute spectator to the unfolding violence against women. Your time is the best contribution you can make to this cause.
  • Connect with fellow changemakers. Have a space to work on yourself in a safe and supportive environment. We uplift ourselves and each other through bonding exercises ensuring that you’re having fun while you change the world.
  • Be a part of a larger community of change-makers and influencers. Have a space where you can take charge and create solutions.
  • Become an influencer yourself. Many of our employees have been volunteers in the past. Many of our volunteers, armed with a new understanding of gender, go on to do their own things and create change their own way.
  • We provide certificates for your valuable contribution. If your college requires you to work or if you’re looking for experience before you step out to the market of day-in, day-out, we want to ask you to consider working for human rights.
  • It starts with YOU. As Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see in the world”. If you’re bothered by the state of things in the world, volunteer to change it.

Register for becoming a fundraising volunteer by filling this form

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Our Work.
To ensure that every woman and girl in the world have their freedom to be.

Get Involved.

Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence free.
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