The Breakthrough Voice 16th January, 2015

Is to make laws the only work of the government?.

I think, India’s biggest problem is neither terrorism nor Pakistan or China or any other thing. In this era the most serious problem of India is the security of women. I have asked too many women that do they feel safe. Everyone’s answer was “NO”. They told me that don’t feel safe even in their homes. When they get up in the morning they have to think what should they wear. They think today haw many eyes they will have to face and how many vulgar comments they will have to hear. Every single woman is living a dreadful life.

There are a number of government-sponsored schemes for promoting the social status of women like The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, Dowry Prohibition Act, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and many other Acts. In spite of these things for women, are they really safe? My answer will remain same, NO. A Thomas Reuters Foundation survey says that India is the fourth most dangerous place in the world for women to live in. Here in every 20 minutes a new case of rape is reported. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011 and in 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012 and it is increasing day by day and in reality they are not safe even in their homes because NCRB’s report shows that out of these cases, 24,470 were committed by relative or neighbor; in other words, the victim knew the alleged rapist in 98 per cent of the cases. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act was passed in 1956. However many cases of trafficking of young girls and women have been reported. These women are either forced into prostitution, domestic work or child labour.
After making these acts the government is not taking care for the implementation of these laws. In PWDV Act there should be Protection Officers in every district but after many years of coming this act there are many districts where there is no POs. Government should not for only make laws and acts, it is also responsible for the implementation of these laws. If these acts will not be implemented properly what will be the benefit of them. Many women don’t know about Domestic Incidence Report (DIR). So Government should also do activities to make them aware of these things.

While Working with Breakthrough I visited many villages to tell women about their rights and introducing them to what they can do if they face domestic violence, sexual harassment etc. A Pradhan of a village said that don’t tell too much about women’s right to the women of that village otherwise they will get on his head and in another village when we asked Pradhan about domestic violence in his village he totally denied and said it never happened in his village while the girls and women of that village said that many cases of domestic violence and sexual harassment have happened. Many men don’t want to change the status of women because they think that they will lose their power on women.

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