play ‘house, house.’
She runs one.A year later, she was sent back to her parents.
Monica made a promise. She would not let their dreams die.
One in four girls like Monica is married when still a child.
Denied schooling, a childhood, dreams, an identity.
But you can change this.
Make a promise today.
To end child marriage and keep girls like Monica in school.
When you make a donation to Breakthrough, you become part of Team Change. Your donation helps us talk to communities about keeping girls in school, and not getting them married.Make a promise today.
Your donation creates a tiny piece of change. A father decides to keep his daughter in school. That simple decision sets into motion a ripple of possibilities for her. She goes to school. She stands up for her siblings. She dreams of being a doctor. Do you see?
With just this choice you’ve made, to be part of Team Change, you’ve changed her world.

You are about to do something wonderful
to create a more equal world
From a world of compromise, to a world of promise.
All donations to Breakthrough are eligible for 50% tax exemption.