2020 is here.

And yet, women and girls continue to live lives of discrimination and violence.

If we want better, we need to do better.

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4,20,000 boys and girls between 11 and 18 years old, in 3,500 villages in 15 districts across five states of India, have undergone a shift in attitudes and behavior as a result of our work

How we use your valuable funds
Breakthrough is an organisation that you can trust to put your money to the best possible use.

We at Breakthrough are extremely focused on ensuring that your contribution brings high impact, and that the bulk of it is spent on funding programmes. Our administrative costs at 12% are well below the Indian non-profit sector average, as we are extremely conscious of spending your money as effectively as possible.

Every donation received is an affirmation of your faith in us, and we are committed to maintaining the highest levels of accountability and transparency always.

Get Involved.

Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence-free.