In Focus 17th March, 2016

10 wacky ways to fundraise.

1. Give up coffee for a week, feel great about yourself. Donate the money saved.

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2. Stop smoking save money. Donate the money saved.

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3. Throw a BYOB party, ask your friends to bring their own fundraising ideas.

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4. Feel like an aam aadmi, travel third class railway.

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5. Create a rock band named The Fundraisers.

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6. Rename your dog Donate.
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7. Rename your twitter handle to @IAmAFundraiser

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8. Keep a swear jar in office. Weekly donations to #MakeitSafer.

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9. Shop at your local saabzi wala (instead of Modern Bazaar), and support the Indian economy. Donate all the money saved.

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10. Find a boy called Hussain, make him paint and auction off his paintings for fundraising.

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