In Focus 5th December, 2014

110 Students Trained in Kumbalgodu.

Breakthrough in association with Sadhana Trust trained 110 10th standard students at Kumbalgodu, Bengaluru on what sexual harassment is and how to act when they they face or witness it. Some startling revelations emerged in the course of the training.  Some of the boys realized for the first time that their “fun” activities like catcalling, whistling commenting on actually come under harassment and that the girls really don’t like being catcalled. They also realized how this creates a huge negative impact on the girls’ life. The boys thought that keeping girls indoors is for their own safety but they never thought in terms of sexual harassment. They understood what their fault was and promised to support and ensure that the girls can come to the evening college and create a safe space for them. One of the girls mentioned that during the trainings they feel empowered but after 2 or 3 days, reality bites them and they cant see any change around them. As the training came to a close, Manjula, Breakthrough’s trainer in Dakshin Kannada, left the students with a powerful message

Start the change process yourself from your own college or neighborhood and create safe spaces around yourself. That’s how change happens.

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