Nation Against Early Marriage
Nation Against Early Marriage.

$240$ million reached in the flagship media campaign $240$ million reached in the flagship media campaign
$7.5$ million reached in direct interaction efforts $7.5$ million reached in direct interaction efforts
$16%$ increase in community involvement to end Early Marriage $16%$ increase in community involvement to end Early Marriage
$250000$ supporters during On-Ground campaign $250000$ supporters during On-Ground campaign

Indian Law says that marriage of a girl below 18 years (bal vivah) of age is a crime.

India has had a law preventing early marriages – bal vivah from the British Era. However early marriage trends showed prevalence of more than 60% as per the figures by National Family Survey 2005-2006.

Breakthrough works within the communities in the Indian states of Bihar and Jharkhand, which have among the highest rates of child marriage – in the country, to delay the age of marriage. While the median age for marriage for girls in Bihar was 15.1 for respondents aged 20-49, the median age of marriage for the same group in Jharkhand was marginally higher at 16.2.

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