In Focus 22nd July, 2016

#GiveItUp: A Success Story.

What a wonderful fortnight it has been, here at Breakthrough! The #GiveItUp initiative was received with much eagerness and enthusiasm. The importance of giving, in today’s materialistic, consumer-driven society, cannot be emphasised enough. As someone expressed so beautifully: “The heart that gives, gathers.”

During this fortnight, many people, including Breakthrough staff, were photographed holding up placards which promised to give up a favourite thing or pastime to make a donation: their cup of coffee, junk food, their weekly lunch from outside, a movie ticket. We also had an engaging and insightful conversation with Mrs. Neelam Kher, who shared her reasons to donate to Breakthrough, and the joy that she felt from this. Another highlight of this campaign was a Facebook live with Urvashi and Yogita, about how donor money enables Breakthrough to create impact on the ground.

Often, the small acts are the ones which hold the most significance. The smiles on people’s faces, when you extend your kindest and most generous hand, is priceless. There is no word for the warm, fuzzy feeling that fills you up from within. Even though this may sound like a cliche, the greatest happiness really does lie in giving and being compassionate towards others. Small sacrifices go a very long way: deciding to forgo the 1000-rupee movie experience at an expensive multiplex on the weekend, instead using the money for a larger cause; saving a small portion of your money to donate to charity at the end of each month.

Generosity isn’t only about contributing money. The core of one’s generosity lies in one’s spirit and heart – the one who is generous with not only his money but also his/her time and emotions will feel a deep satisfaction at having done his/her bit and contributing in whatever little way that s/he could. The biggest changes often begin with one small, but certain, step. Leading by example is an excellent way of bringing about positive change.

It is the need of the hour to be as open, kind, and generous as we can ever be, and also to know that it is that one small step which can create a domino effect. One small action can be the spark that ignites the fire of goodness. A warm and heartfelt thank-you to everyone who supported and participated in the #GiveItUp campaign – your enthusiasm was really infectious and inspiring!

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