Amaya’s Campaign To End Early Marriage.

Children across the world are rising up for change, a better future. They are refusing to grow up in a world which is unjust and it’s time we wake up to their call for action.

Meet Amaya Agarwal, a proud member of Team Change, a community of changemakers committed to making violence against women and girls unacceptable.

At the age of 13, Amaya is determined to build a world where girls are free to choose whether they want to study further or work and not be forced into an unwanted marriage. She says, “I realised I take my freedom for granted. I have the freedom to make my own choices and they are received with love and support. In our country, millions of young girls don’t have that and I want to do my bit to change that.”

Amaya has designed pendants which are symbolic of our love for the women in our life. The money from the sale of these pendants will be used to strengthen Breakthrough’s work, a 20 year old organisation working to make violence and discrimination against women and girls unnaceptable by transforming the underlying cultural norms that perpetuate these practices.

Currently, Breakthrough is reaching over 420,000 adolescent boys and girls across 5 states of India with a school and community based programme that is proven by MIT’s Poverty Action Lab to bring significant shifts in the gender attitudes and behaviours of boys and girls. Breakthrough’s work with communities in Bihar and Jharkhand has also been instrumental in increasing girls’ age at marriage by 1.84 years.

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A message from Amaya

Join Amaya and help build a world where girls can achieve their full potential!

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Join the generation that is working to make the world equal and violence free.
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