Editorial 1st February, 2018

Women- In a complicated relationship with money?.

Women have a complicated relationship with money and it begins at birth.

Why do parents want a boy over a girl? Because, the boy will grow up and take ‘care’ of them. For the girls, who manage to make it to this world, it continues at every step of their lives. They are told they are not good at maths. They don’t need a high paying job. What they need is a settled job so that they can easily manage work and home. Why do women want to learn how to save? They have their fathers , brothers and husbands! Trust the men to take care of their women.

Oh, most importantly, women must remember that they can’t handle money. They are just not good at it! Women and finance? Nah!

We women have lived and heard it all. We have literally been told these things so many times that a lot of us live our lives believing these things. Here are a few more voices that agree and share some very interesting observations:


So, what are we going to do about it? We are going to get people talking, specifically girls and women! We will talk finance. We will talk about the credit we are owed and the debts we have been burdened with. So, do join us because this tax season is going to get super interesting!

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1 thought on “Women- In a complicated relationship with money?

  1. On two recent episodes of nbsp; HerMoney podcast, I interviewed two intelligent, educated, successful women — Brene nbsp;Brown, author of “Rising Strong” nbsp;and creator of one of the most-viewed nbsp; TED Talks nbsp;of all time and behavioral economist Sarah Newcomb, author of the new book “Loaded: nbsp;Money, Psychology, and How to Get Ahead without Leaving Your Values Behind.” These two women had something else in common, too: complicated relationships with money.

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