FYI 31st March, 2022

In Pictures: How Young People Are Taking A Stand In Faridabad.

Dabua, among the most populous residential colonies in Haryana with the population of more than 3 lakhs, did some incredible work on International Women’s Day 2022.

A weeklong celebration from 8th March to 13th March was organised by Breakthrough’s Team Change Leaders to celebrate women, recognize their efforts and generate awareness among the community. Team Change Leaders or TCLs are young leaders from the age group of 19-25 years who wish to build violence free families, community and society.  They take small steps and bring big change within themselves and influence their community members to co-create an environment free of violence, sexual harassment and domestic abuse.

Streelink Mela | International Womens Day 2022

They organized mass local mobilisation through slogan writing on local walls and Kite rallies with shopkeepers and auto rickshaw drivers.

Painting the walls!

Team Change Leader painting the wall for violence against women

10 TCLs wrote slogans on walls in their community with messages to raise awareness against domestic violence. They believe that now is the high time for the community members to pledge on making a violence free environment for women. The locations were chosen by TCLs themselves.

Young boy painting walls in Dabua, Faridabad


Mobilisation through Kites

Like a regular day on the occasion of Independence Day in India, youth from Dabua took to the roads with bundles of kites with their one message – End Violence Against Women! They walked down the streets of Dabua holding kites in their hands with pledges on them urging a safer community for women.

Mobilisation for International Womens Day 2022


Community Members being invited for campaign on violence against women


The objective was to raise awareness on International Women’s Day. They visited local  shopkeepers and auto rickshaw drivers to know their perspectives about women and their safety on streets. TCLs asked them if they can contribute their bit to make Dabua a safe and harassment free space for women? For Those who agreed, kites were placed in their shops, autos and rickshaws.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Faridabad with Streelink’s Calendar

Mr. Nitish Aggarwal, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Faridabad with Streelink’s Calendar by Breakthrough focusing on a society free from gender based discrimination and violence. He also praised the efforts of our Team Change Leaders. 


Wrapping it up! 

On a concluding note, a big event was organized on 13th March, 2022 where more than 300 people from the community (women, men and youth) joined the TCLs in Dabua. They came in with the stakeholders from Mahila Thana, District Legal Service Authorities, Police Personals, representatives from Durga Shakti, Local Councilors, local School principals and Health workers from the ICDS department.

The TCLs and program team of Breakthrough organized a cultural program with dance performances by TCLs and adolescents on community music which focus on women empowerment. They also organized self defense training for girls from the local karate group.


  • The women groups who are working with us and raising their voices against harassment and violence for more than 3 years were felicitated in the event for their continuous engagement in the community, 
  • Working women (factory workers) were felicitated for their efforts and courage of taking a step forward in their lives and making their identities thorough #StreeLink
  • Stakeholders from Mahila Thana, District Legal Service Authorities, Police Personnals, Durga Shakti, Local Councilors were also felicitated for their extreme and continuous support Breakthrough. 
  • TCLs shared their journey, stories, learnings and achievements and also encouraged the community to take a stand against any kind of harassment and violence against women. 
  • The TCL group from Sangam Vihar, Delhi also became a part of the event. They shared their journey with Breakthrough and performed on Mann k Manjeere
  • Sukhmanch Theatre group also performed street theatre “Pahel” focusing on sexual harassement faced by girls and women.


The women from the community were extremely happy to become a part of this event as they shared there are very limited platforms where women get such respect and a safe environment; where they are not judged by anyone but are praised for their efforts. 


Local news agencies broadcasted this movement by Team Change Leaders. 

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