Newsletter 19th June, 2020

In collaboration with partners- Created an action plan to address domestic violence during & post the lockdown.

Our focus:-

NCW data have informed that during lockdown domestic violence cases have increased and services were difficult to provide during the lockdown periods. 

While domestic violence has emerged as a focal area, Breakthrough is also sharing content and information around how the pandemic is impacting women in general (such as an increase in unpaid carework without any sharing of the load) as well as looking at the impact on professions which are dominated by women: – frontline workers, domestic workers, healthcare workers, etc. At the same time, our focus is also on the impact of lockdown on mental health and the rise in domestic violence.

Discussions related to problems and issues especially related to health and domestic violence arising during lockdown were held with the state level government machineries to assess the current COVID 19 and other health issues in Breakthrough’s intervention areas. In U.P. discussions were held with administrative officers of Asha Jyoti Kendras (Asha Jyoti Kendras are a government programme started in 17 districts of Uttar Pradesh to deal with emergency response to women in distress) on current situation and risk related to DV. 

  1. We partnered with members of  the  Aman  Network  and  Gender@Work  to  put together information on over 170 helplines which we are sharing zone wise currently on our social media platforms.
  2. On  April  10th,  Breakthrough  organised  its  first web-based townhall with 318 participants from across  the  country  logging  in  to  discuss  how they    and    their    organisations    are    getting affected  by  the  lockdown  and  the  increased cases  of  domestic  violence. It was also attended by Rekha Sharma, chairperson of the National Commission of Women.
  3. On  April  24th,  we also  co-hosted  “#TribeTalk:  Tackling  Domestic Violence  during   The   Lockdown”   along   with Malini  Agarwal  and  her  “Girl  Tribe”.  MissMalini is one of India’s first digital media houses, and is    the    go-to    destination    for    all    things Bollywood    and    fashion,    reaching    over    40 million  people  each  month  across  its  multiple properties.   Over   2/3rds   of   its   readers   are women. Girl Tribe is a Facebook Community, an inclusive  space  for  women  everywhere  which has 25,000 members.
  4. Sharing blogs from Breakthrough’s own blog on the impact of Covid19 on women (Read below).
  5. Participating and organising conversations on platforms like Twitter (through TweetChats) to talk about domestic violence.
  6. Sharing pieces on how, even in the middle of a lockdown, individuals can call out domestic violence and ensure the safety of survivors.
  7. Sharing suggestions for policy makers and implementers.
  8. Quotes and articles from Breakthough on the lockdown and domestic violence have been published in mainstream media, in newspapers like New Indian Express, Reader’s Digest, Indian Express and more. (Detailed PR activities shared below).
  9. Translating the helpline numbers into regional languages, which will then be shared
  10. Uploading a recorded and edited video of the Townhall on our channels for dissemination.





Social Media Content:



Our Collaborations:-


We are partnering with TikTok to share Covid19-related awareness videos in regional languages, like Tamil, Bengali, Odia, etc. The videos range from do’s and don’ts during Covid 19, fake news, how to wash hands etc. The combined views for these videos is almost 10 million views.

Social Media Matters:

We did an Instagram live with Social Media Matters to discuss about the rise in online violence during lockdown and understand if there are cyber/online helpline numbers for internet users to reach out to.

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